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think out aloud中文是什么意思

"think out aloud"怎么读


  • 边想边说, 边想边说出声, 自言自语
  • "think"中文翻译    vt. (thought ) 1.想,思索,构思;考虑。 ...
  • "out"中文翻译    adv. 1.〔位置及运动的方向〕向外,向外部;在外,在 ...
  • "aloud"中文翻译    adv. 高声,响亮。 shout aloud 大叫。 ...
  • "think aloud = think out loud" 中文翻译 :    自言自语
  • "think aloud" 中文翻译 :    出声思考; 出声思维; 自言自语, 边想边说出
  • "think aloud in english" 中文翻译 :    用英语自言自语。
  • "think out" 中文翻译 :    彻底地想一想; 彻底思考, 设计出; 想出,解决了,想清楚; 想出,熟思; 想出;设计出; 仔细考虑
  • "out-think;out-wit" 中文翻译 :    以智取胜
  • "aloud" 中文翻译 :    adv. 高声,响亮。 shout aloud 大叫。 It reeks aloud. 〔俚语〕臭极了。 think aloud 自言自语。
  • "think out a plan" 中文翻译 :    想出一套计划
  • "whatever you think come out with it" 中文翻译 :    有什么想法都端出来
  • "cry aloud" 中文翻译 :    大声喊
  • "girls aloud" 中文翻译 :    女孩乐团; 呛女生合唱团
  • "read aloud" 中文翻译 :    朗读
  • "reading aloud" 中文翻译 :    朗读
  • "scream aloud" 中文翻译 :    狂呼乱叫
  • "thinking aloud" 中文翻译 :    出声思维
  • "think" 中文翻译 :    vt. (thought ) 1.想,思索,构思;考虑。 2.想出,想起。 3.认为,以为。 4.猜想,想像。 5.想要,打算。 6.使想。 7.感到。 I think I shall meet him today. 我想[认为]今天会遇见他。 I don't think it's five o'clock yet. 我看还不到五点。 I think him (to be) honest. 我认为他(是)老实(的)。 I'll think the matter over. 这事我得细细考虑考虑。 We should always use our brains and think everything over carefully. 凡事应该用脑筋好好想一想。 I can't think how she could figure out all the problems in an hour. 我想不出她怎么在一个小时之内算出所有的习题的。 Let's go and have a walk in the garden. You will think yourself silly. 咱们出去在花园里散散步吧,你用脑过度,再不出去散散步就要变傻了。 I thought to finish these letters before ten o'clock. 我原来打算十点钟以前把这些信都写好了。 I thought to find you in the library. 我原来猜想会在图书馆里找到你。 Who would have thought that they could win the game. 谁会想到他们竟能赢得那场球呢。 I think no harm in paying a visit to the Jones. 我感到拜访琼斯家没有害处。 vi. 1.想。 2.想像,思索,思考,考虑 (over; about; of ;on)。 3.想出,想起 (of; on)。 4.企图,想要,打算 (of)。 5.料想。 Only think ! 嗳,你想想看!think evil 想干坏事。 Please think again. 请再想想。 A university student should learn to think. 一个大学生应该学会思考。 I don't think so. 我认为不是那样。 I'm thinking about the plan we're going to lay out. 我在考虑我们要提出的计划。 T- over what I've said. 把我所讲的话细细地想想。 What do you think of the idea? 你认为这个想法怎么样? That's a useful book to people who think of literary life. 那是一本对想要从事文学生活的人有用的书。 I've thought deeply on our difficulties and the ways to get out of them. 我深思了我们的困难及其解决办法。 I don't think. 〔俚语〕我倒有点不相信〔添加在反话,讥刺话等后面〕(You are a pattern of tact, I don't think. 你的手腕了不起,我倒有点不相信)。 I think 是…吧〔插句或句尾〕。 I think not. 我以为不是那样。 think and think 想了又想,细想。 think aloud 自言自语,边想边说。 think away 想开了(如不信神了);想得忘了(如牙齿痛)。 think better of ...改变…的念头;对某人有较高的评价。 think fit to (do) 认为…适当(I think fit to refuse. 我以为拒绝的好)。 think harm to 想害…,企图加害。 think highly [no end, well] of 看重某人(某事),评价极高。 think little [nothing] of 看不起,轻视;满不在乎(think nothing of walking 30 miles a day 一天30英里也满不在乎)。 think much of 重视,看重;赞美,夸奖。 think of 1. 想起;想出(I cannot think of the right word)。 2. 想,企图 (He is thinking of...)。 3. 细想 (T- of what I told you.)。 think oneself into a dilemma 想得无所适从。 think oneself into a fever 想得头脑发热[兴奋不已]。 think out 想透;想出。 think out loud 〔美国〕=think aloud. think sense 通情达理地设想。 think shame 以为耻辱,羞愧。 think through=think out. think to oneself 暗暗地自言自语;在心中想[打算,思量]。 think twice 踌躇。 think up 〔美国〕想出,想起;〔口语〕发明。 think well [ill] of 认为好[坏]。 think with 和…意见相同。 n. 〔方、口〕思考;想法;念头。 Give it another think. 再想想吧。 Let's exchange thinks. 咱们交换交换想法。 have a hard think 苦思冥想。 adj. 思想(方面)的;供思考的。 a think teleplay 引人思索的电视剧。
  • "think for" 中文翻译 :    认为, 预料
  • "think of" 中文翻译 :    怀念; 就…思考,考虑…., 认为; 考虑, 关心, 想起, 记起, 想像, 有...的看法; 考虑,思索; 考虑/想到; 考虑;记得;认为; 考虑,认为; 认为,考虑; 认为,想到,想起; 认为;看法; 认为;想起; 思索;想起; 想出;思考; 想到,记得;想一想;考虑,关心; 想到/考虑; 想到;想起;记起;为…着想; 想起,记得,觉得怎样; 想起,想到,想一想; 想起,记得;想出,提出;考虑,关心; 想起,考虑;认为,看法; 想起,想到; 想起;考虑;关心; 想起;想出;企图;考虑; 象棋
  • "think of a as" 中文翻译 :    把看成; 把看作; 认为是
  • "think of as" 中文翻译 :    把看作; 看作
  • "think of for" 中文翻译 :    考虑...合适于..; 考虑合适否
  • "think of this" 中文翻译 :    想想这个
  • "think of…as" 中文翻译 :    把……看做是,以为……是; 把看作; 把…看作是 周杰伦青岛演唱会以为…是; 把…看作是,以为…是; 认为是; 以为…是


  • think out aloud 意味
  • think out aloudとは意味思わず独り言を言う、思い付くまま考えを述べる Louise was thinking (out) aloud when the librarian told her to be quiet. ルイーズは独り言を言って、図書館員に静かにするよう注意された。
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